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What is hip osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis of the hip)?


Hip osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis of the hip)  is a very common joint disease that usually affects the joints of the knees, hips, fingers and spine. The cartilage in a joint ensures that it slides nicely and provides stability to the joint. In osteoarthritis, the balance between the body's maintenance structure of the cartilage and the wear and tear to which the cartilage is exposed when we move in everyday life is disturbed. Wear begins to go faster than the build-up and the cartilage begins to thin out, becomes uneven and the slip deteriorates.

The most common is that the person affected is over 45 years old. The distribution woman, man is equal. In most cases, it is unclear why you get osteoarthritis. A connection has been seen between unilaterally burdensome work. Heredity is believed to be recordable. A previous injury in the affected area can lead to an increased risk of osteoarthritis later on.  

The medical term for osteoarthritis of the hip is coxarthrosis. In everyday speech, we can call it a wear and tear in the hip.

Part of the diagnosis can be to x-ray the joint, where you can see the thickness of the cartilage and degree of wear. However, this is not necessary if the patient's story and our examination clearly point to osteoarthritis.


Symptoms of hip osteoarthritis


The most common is that it starts with starting pain and stiffness, for example in the morning when you step up and when getting up after sitting for a while. In the long run, there is often increased stiffness in the hip and rest pain. The pain is often localized to the front hip, groin and can pull down towards the knee. Lifting or pulling the knee towards the abdomen, bending forward to tie the shoes can, for example, trigger the pain.

The symptoms often come in relapses, where the symptoms intensify either without a clear cause for the patient, or the hip has been loaded more than it can withstand, with increased pain as a result.

Treatment of coxarthrosis


A common prescription from the doctor is an anti-inflammatory cure to try to reduce the pain and possible swelling in the joint.

Our physiotherapists, together with the patient, try to identify what in everyday life triggers discomfort. What should be avoided and what is recommended to do. We look at how the patient is walking and pay attention to any lameness. A crutch on the opposite side you have pain relieves the hip and probably reduces the lameness. The physiotherapist notes the mobility of the hip and in which situations the pain occurs.

Of great importance is to try to counteract continued increased stiffness and reduced function in the hip with  rehab training . We develop exercises for mobility and to improve coordination in the hip, knee, foot. Try exercises to strengthen muscles around the hip that do not increase the discomfort.


In terms of treatment, stretching treatment of the hip, tractions can have a calming effect on. If the muscles around the hip are affected by having had pain and lameness for a long period, we treat it.

Reducing possible overweight means that the hip is loaded to a lesser extent.

Prognosis in hip arthritis


In most cases, osteoarthritis develops slowly. A predominant part that suffers copes well with exercise and anti-inflammatory medication when needed. About 30% of those who suffer from osteoarthritis eventually undergo an operation where the hip joint is replaced with an artificial hip, a hip prosthesis. It is often caused by serious discomfort in everyday life and often the patient has rest pain at night that affects sleep. After such an operation, the normal patient can live a mobile life and get rid of the pain.

Physiotherapy his Alta Vita Physiotherapy

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