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What is cervical spondylosis - wear and tear in the neck?


It can be said that cervical spondylosis is a collective name for various types of changes in the neck. Examples of affected structures / changes in the neck are discs, joints, bone deposits, vertebral slippage, thickening of ligaments. As the load is greatest in the lower part of the neck, this is the most common area to be affected.

The discs act as a shock absorber between the vertebrae and contribute to the mobility we have in the spine. Over the years, the discs decrease in height, which together with any bone deposits in the area where the nerves come out of the spine, can lead to it becoming crowded for the nerves.

In osteoarthritis of the neck (facet joint osteoarthritis, uncovertebral arthritis), the cartilage in the joints that loses thickness is affected and bone deposits can form in the outer edges of the joints. Together, this can lead to stiffness and pain in the neck. It can also contribute to congestion in the nerve endings of the spine, which can cause radiating pain.


Treatment of neck pain in Alta Vita

As a result of the wear and tear developing in the neck, the vertebrae may slip a little in relation to each other. This can lead to pain and congestion of the nerves.

These different changes in the neck can, individually and together, cause the muscles in the area to become tense and sore.

This is common among adults, from middle age and up. There is no clear reason why you get cervical spondylosis. It is seen that genetics can play a role. Monotonous strain on the neck in, for example, work and exercise as well as poor posture can be contributing factors. If you have an accident that damages a structure in the neck, it can later in life develop into wear and tear in the neck.


Symptoms of cervical spondylosis


Common symptoms associated with wear and tear in the neck are:


-Neck pain. May sit in parts of the neck or be more generally widespread neck.


-Stiffness in the neck.


-Morning stiffness / pain that usually decreases when you get started and move for a while. When you have been running all day, the symptoms can get worse again towards the end of the day.


-If the nerves get pinched, it leads to radiating pain, numbness and loss of strength in the shoulder, shoulder, arm, hand. Which part is affected depends on the level at which the affected nerve is located. The type of symptom depends on which part of the nerve is pinched. The most common is that one side is affected, but it can also happen that both sides are affected.

Treatment of cervical spondylosis


First, the patient must describe their problems. A proper examination is performed to get as close to a correct diagnosis as possible. We look at posture, talk through ergonomics and training approaches. We initially have to be a little careful with the choice of treatment to get a feel for how easily provoked the neck is. Manual treatment aims to soften any sore muscles and optimize possible mobility in order to reduce pain. It is always combined with  exercise rehabilitation  to strengthen and improve the coordination in the neck / shoulder. When the nerve is affected, the treatment is aimed at trying to reduce any pressure on the nerve and to ensure that the nerve can slide properly in the neck, shoulder, shoulder, arm, hand.


Prognosis for degenerative changes in the neck


In most cases, we can succeed with the treatment. Of course, it depends on how extensive the cervical spondylosis is. But even in the most difficult cases, treatment, training and tips for managing everyday life better can lead to improvement. But if the treatment results are not acceptable, we refer the patient on to an orthopedist. The orthopedist can decide whether further investigation with plain X-ray, magnetic camera examination or the like should be performed. They can also prescribe an anti-inflammatory cure to see if it alleviates the discomfort. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.

Physiotherapy at Alta Vita Physiotherapy

Visiting address:
Alta Vita Physiotherapy
Riddargatan 12B (Under Construction) 114 35 Stockholm, Sweden

Opening hours:

Monday   7: 30-17: 00

Tuesday     7: 30-17: 00

Wednesday   7: 30-17: 00

Thursday   7: 30-17: 00

Friday     7: 30-17: 00

Alta Vita Fysioterapi AB

Org. No. 556768-1985

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